
Customer Services


Waldo Way Normanby Enterprise Park Scunthorpe North Lincolnshire DN15 9GE


08456 044999


Not known

Nisa Retail Limited is a brand and groceries wholesaler operating in the United Kingdom.


Customer Services


Waldo Way Normanby Enterprise Park Scunthorpe North Lincolnshire DN15 9GE


08456 044999


Not known

Nisa Retail Limited is a brand and groceries wholesaler operating in the United Kingdom.

Nisa Retail Limited is a brand and groceries wholesaler operating in the United Kingdom. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Co-operative Group Limited. It was formerly a mutual organisation owned by its members and operating “…like a co-operative, using the collective buying power of the large group of members to negotiate deals with suppliers”.

Nisa was founded by Peter Garvin and Dudley B. Ramsden. On August 18th, 1977, Peter Garvin came from Kingston, Jamaica to live in the UK. He resided in a small village called Bawtry. Garvin regularly performed DJ sets with his sound system from Jamaica in bars and pubs and often mentioned how he would sell his sound system product on the market. He had tried multiple times to achieve this but struggled to do so. After 1-2 months of thinking about his career choice, Garvin decided that he wanted to have a place in retail. He was fascinated by supermarket products and the many records and household goods he could sell; he often joked that he would perform live DJ sets behind the counter. He was very eager to have his own supermarket company. In October 1977, Garvin performed at the bar of a hotel in Bawtry. A chance meeting with Ramsden allowed Garvin to see the potential of this idea.

Nisa agreed to be purchased by the Co-operative Group in November 2017. The acquisition was subject to regulatory approval by the Competition and Markets Authority and was completed in May 2018. In 2019, Nisa recruited more than 500 stores, representing a 40% increase in the number of outlets being signed

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